Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law promotes, coordinates and manages teaching and research in the area of legal studies. It is committed to publish and disseminate the results of research, and supports the circulation of knowledge ensuring full and open access to scientific literature. For this purpose, it organizes seminars, conferences and meetings with a scientific approach.

Research at the Faculty of Law involves a wide range of subjects, and this favours the development of individual research areas while strengthening the fundamental integrity of the department. Research work is organized into the following areas: administrative law, civil procedure law, commercial law, comparative law, criminal law, criminal procedure, economics, history of law, canon law, ecclesiastical law, history of political doctrines, international law, labour law, philosophy of law, private law, public law, Roman and antique law, sociological-juridical studies, European law, tax law, biolaw, environmental law, food law, constitutional law, sociology of law, deviance and social change.

The Faculty offers a five-year Master’s degree in Law, which includes:

  • additional, advanced and specialization courses to improve teaching
  • practical workshops
  • annual programming of courses, to keep up with the current perspectives of European legal professionals
  • international programmes and an international teaching staff
  • international mobility opportunities for students
  • courses aimed at improving language and IT skills
  • internship opportunities, in Italy and abroad

The Faculty of Law is a member of the School of International Studies and participates in its interdisciplinary Master’s programme in European and International Studies, which provides students with knowledge in economics, politics, sociology. This Master does not prepare for legal professions, but gives students an essential legal background to work in other sectors. It also participates, with a number of modules, in courses offered by the Departments of Economics and Management, Sociology and Social Research, Humanities and Engineering. The Faculty of Law has recently launched a three-year degree programme in Comparative, European and International Legal Studies (CEILS), whose main features are:

  • the limited number of places available (50)
  • English taught courses
  • a strong focus on comparative law
  • an international and transnational approach, in terms of language and contents, for both Italian and foreign students

The Faculty also offers, organizes and manages a Doctoral Programme in Comparative and European Legal Studies.


Via Giuseppe Verdi, 53, 38122 Trento
tel: 0461 281818
{{vm.properties.total}} results No results
This section provides the list of the theses associated to the Department’s (Centre’s) affiliates. All master’s degree and five-years-degree theses are included. Bachelor’s degree theses are also included, up to 2015 (as of that year, delivering a thesis is not compulsory in undergraduate programs; even when the submission of a written paper is required, such a text is not recorded as a thesis), as well as doctoral theses. Data source: TEA (UniTrento information system on degrees’ theses, managed by the University Library) for master's and bachelor's theses; IRIS (UniTrento Istitutional Research Information System) for doctoral theses.
Title Year Download
Authors: {{item.nominativo}}{{item.nominativo}},
Supervisor: {{item.nominativo}}{{item.nominativo}},
Co-supervisor: {{item.nominativo}}{{item.nominativo}},
Examiner: {{item.nominativo}}{{item.nominativo}},
Course: {{tesi.corsoStudi}}
Abstract: {{tesi.abstract}}
